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‘Driven to make a difference’: Somali educators hired as principals

The metro area will get a tremendous boost this summer with the addition of three new principals to lead into the new school year. Hibaq Ahmed has been hired as the new Assistant Principal at Highland Park in Saint Paul. Akram Osman has been selected as the new principal of John. F Kennedy High School in Bloomington. While Abdirizak Abdi will be taking over at Humboldt High School in Saint Paul. When they first heard the news all were overwhelmed with emotion.
Nationwide, only 10% of principals are Black, yet principals and leaders of color are essential to schools and further contribute to diversifying the teacher workforce. Research shows that schools with more Black and principals of color have higher percentages of Black teachers, increased student performance and increased enrollment of Black students in gifted programs.
“I was overcome with excitement and joy to be selected to lead such a diverse group of kids and families” Akram told Tusmo Times
Hibaq, while excited, also feels a sense of responsibility to those before and after her. “In the end, I think this is a win not only for me but for our community as a whole. I am grateful to the giants before me who have paved the way” Hibaq told Tusmo Times.
Abdirizak told Tusmo times “I was beyond excited for the opportunity in this great community of Saint Paul”
Akram has been a career educator since graduating from Minnesota State University, Mankato, with undergraduate and graduate degrees in exercise science and special education respectively. He was previously an associate principal at both Eden Prairie High School and Metcalf Middle School and dean of students at Burnsville High School prior to that. Akram credits one of his educators in Mankato for believing in him and first getting him into education.
“My high school principal pulled me outside one day and asked me to check out the education route, that I had those leadership qualities” Akram Said
Before arriving in the twin cities, Akram had been working with children for many years in his hometown of Mankato. With the Mankato Area Public Schools, he held positions as cultural liaison and special education teacher. He also obtained his principal’s license at MSU-Mankato as well. Akram says his large family also played a big role in his journey to becoming a principal.
“I have always played the role of big brother in my household and still do to this day” Akram told Tusmo Times. “I still check in on my 21 year old brother’s day routinely today, and probably will forever.
Hibaq was previously the District Program Facilitator for Secondary ELA and Literacy at Minneapolis Public Schools. She has experience as an educator working in a variety of public and private settings with diverse student populations. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Teaching, a Master’s in Education and a K-12 Administrator License (Principal License) from the University of Minnesota.
She credits her strong family network among others for guidance and motivation along her career.” My father was a physics and mathematics teacher in Somalia before the civil war. He instilled in us the importance of education and service to our community”.
Abdi also began his career in education after finishing with both his Bachelors of Science in Management and Master of Science in Education Leadership and Administration at St. Cloud State University. He also achieved Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in K-12 principalship and Superintendence, while at St. Cloud. Some of the roles Abdi served included Equity Outreach Coordinator, Behavior Interventionist and a teacher before serving as an assistant principal for 4 years at Apollo high school.
Prior to accepting his new position Abdi served as an assistant professor for Saint Cloud State University, followed by both associate principals for Irondale High School in Mounds View Public Schools. Abdi thinks back to his mom often when reflecting about education career
“She always told me education was the ticket to freedom, and my goal is now to get the younger generation to believe the same”
All three are looking forward to their new positions and are ready to hit the ground running. Abdirizak let us know “I am already gathering information from the community I am getting ready to lead”. While Akram was most excited about the diversity already in his new community. “I am already hearing the numbers and I am excited to be a part of it”.
Hibaq hopes to trailblazer a path for the younger generation of students “I hope to use my platform and voice to amplify the voices of many others who aren’t here yet, but who are on their way”.
We at Tusmo Times would like to congratulate the sister and brothers on behalf of the community and hope if you cross paths with Akram, Hibaq or Abdirizak, you do the same.
This story is written by Abdul Ali, Tusmo Times contributing writer and a new member of Tusmo Times Team.

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Hudda Ibrahim oo xil loo magacaabay islamarkaana ay ansixiyeen guddiga golaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud

Saint Cloud – Guddiga golaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa Dr. Hudda Ibrahim u magacaabay in ay kamid noqoto guddiga gollaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud. Hudda ayaa qabanaysa xilkii uu hayey Jake Anderson oo bishii November loo doortay in uu noqdo duqa magaaladda Saint Cloud.

Dr. Hudda Ibrahim ayaa waxaa u codeeyay dhamaan xubnaha guddiga gollaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud ee gobolka Minnesota. Dr. Hudda Ibrahim ayaa taariikh cusub ka dhigtay magaaladda Saint Cloud. Waxay noqotay qofkii u horeeyay ee Soomaali ah ee xil dowladeed ka qabta magaaladda Saint Cloud.
Xigashadda sawiradda: Xidig TV
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Magaaladda St. Paul oo bixisay deymo lagu lahaa 32,000 oo qof

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Arrintan oo aad loo hadal hayo ayaa waxaa balanqaaday duqa magaaladda St. Paul Melvin Carter markii uu ku jiray ololaha doorashadda ee dib loogu doortay. Haddaba magaaladda St. Paul ayaa tirtirtay daymo qiimo ahaan ah $40 milyan oo ah daymo la xiriira caafimaadka oo lagu lahaa dadka deggen magaaladda. Duqa magaalada St. Paul Melvin Carter ayaa sheegay in qorshahan looga golleeyahay in taageero la siiyo dadka daynta lagu leeyahay ee deggen magaaladda St. Paul si culeyksa dhaqaale looga qaado, loona garab qabto oo loo kaalmeeyo.

Local News

MINNEAPOLIS – Derrick Thompson oo ah ninkii shanta gabdhood ee Soomaalida ah shil gaadhi ku dilay ayaa diiday heshiis qirasho ah oo ay haweenayda ah Xeer-ilaaliyaha Degmadda Hennepin soo hordhigtay, balse ninkan ayaa sheegay in uu beddelkeeda maxkamadayn doonayo. Ninkan ayaa ku eedaysan dil darajada saddexaad ah iyo dil baabuur oo lagu eedeeyay in uu baabuur ku dhacay oo uu dilay shan gabdhood oo saaxiibo ah isaga oo ka baxsanaya booliiska.
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