Grand Opening of the African Development Center of Nevada: A New Era in Community Development

Las Vegas, Nevada — [11/14/2024] — A new chapter in community development and economic empowerment began today with the grand opening of the African Development Center (ADC) of Nevada. The event marks an exciting milestone as ADC expands its mission to provide vital services for underserved communities, specifically immigrants and refugees, to the vibrant city of Las Vegas.
Founded with a vision to create sustainable economic opportunities for African immigrants and communities of color, ADC is renowned for its impactful work across Minnesota, with established locations in Minneapolis, Wilmar, Rochester, and Saint Cloud. The launch of the Nevada branch represents the first expansion of ADC outside of its home state of Minnesota, broadening its scope and reach in the vital work of economic development.
In his opening remarks, Nasibu Sareva, the Executive CEO of ADC, expressed his excitement and pride in this milestone, emphasizing that the new Nevada location is not just a physical expansion but a bold step in redefining the role of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) in the broader economic development landscape.
The grand opening event featured a ceremonial ribbon-cutting in collaboration with the Urban Chamber of Commerce, marking the formal inauguration of the new center. The celebration also included brief remarks from local business leaders and elected officials, all of whom praised ADC’s dedication to fostering economic growth and community resilience.
Following the ribbon-cutting, guests enjoyed light refreshments and snacks while touring the new facility, which will serve as a hub for financial literacy programs, business development services, and workforce readiness initiatives aimed at supporting small business owners, entrepreneurs, and immigrant communities in the region.
The African Development Center offers a comprehensive range of services, including business planning, financial consulting, credit counseling, and assistance with accessing capital. By empowering individuals and small businesses, ADC is helping to build more robust, inclusive economies in the communities it serves.
The opening of ADC’s Nevada location is not just a win for the local community, but also a testament to the power of cross-community collaboration and the shared commitment to uplifting small business owners through sustainable economic development.
The African Development Center of Nevada looks forward to serving as a vital resource in the Las Vegas community, helping local entrepreneurs and residents access the tools and knowledge they need to build strong financial futures.
For more information about ADC’s services or to learn how to get involved, visit or follow ADC Nevada on social media.
Maxaa kala haysta Starbucks iyo macaamiishiisa Soomaalida

Ganacsiga Starbucks oo talaabo cusub qaaday markii uu u taag waayey qaar kamid ah macaamiishiisa.
Ganacasiga caanka ah ee Starbucks xarunta ay ku leeyihiin xaafadda Cedar-Riverside ee magaaladda Minneapolis ayaaa maanta qaaday talaabo cusub oo la xiriira xanibaadda iyo sharciga kala fogaansha ee looga hortagayo cudurka Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Starbucks-kan ayaa ah goob caan ah oo ay Soomaali baddani macaamiil u tahay. Sidoo kale goobtan ayaa ah goob lagu falanqeeyo siyaasadda dalka iyo dibadadiisaba. Starbucks-kan ayaa ah meel hadh iyo habeen looga hadlo siyaasada Soomaalida, waxayna ku caan baxday in ay tahay goobta fadhi ku dirirka ama baarlamaanka looga arrimiyo siyaasada fadhi ku dirirka.
Haddaba markii loo taag waayey macaamiisha Soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa qoomiyadda Oromada oo iyagu ganacsigii oo xiran weli ku kulmaya banaanka iyo goobta baabuurta la dhigto, ayaa maanta waxaa gebi ahaanba la xiray oo dhagaxaan shub ah lagu gudbay qayb kamid ah goobta baabuurta la dhigto.

Macaamiisha Soomaalida ah ee iyagu ku xiran Starbucks-ka Cedar-Riverside ayaa si joogta ah ugu kulma goobta baabuurta la dhigto iyaga oo ku xad gudbaya xanibaadda iyo bandooda guri jooga ah. Sidoo kale dadkan ku kulma banaanka ganacsiga Starucks ayaa xad gudub ku samaynaya ka hortaga cudurka faafa ee Coronavirus (COVID-19) iyaga oo aan raacaynin kala fogaanshaha iyo taxadarka looga hortagayo cudurka Coronavirus.
Waxaa inta baddan baraha bulshadda lagu arkaa sawiro iyo muqaalo ay ka dhex muuqdaan Soomaali joogta goobo xiran oo ay kamid yihiin meelaha ay Soomaalidu ku ganacsato, goobaha iyo garoomadda lagu ciyaaro kubadda cagta ama xaafadaha ay Soomaalidu ka degto magaalooyinka mataanaha ah iyo guud ahaanba gobolka Minnesota.

Talaabada maamulka ganacsiga Starbucks ay maanta sameeyeen ayaa noqonaysaa mid ka tarjumaysa sida loogu taag waayey qaar kamid ah bulshadda Soomaaliyeed oo laga la’yahay in ay qaataan ama raacaan wacyigelinta iyo sharciyadda la xiriira ka hortaga cudurka faafa ee Coronavirus iyo weliba xanibaada guri jooga ah ee gobolka Minnesota.
Qaar kamid ah Soomaalida macaamiisha u ah Starbucks-kan ayaa ii sheegay in maalinta Sabtida dib loo furayo adeega iyo wax ka gadashadda, iyaga oo arrintaas ku faraxsan. Sidoo kale waxay ii sheegeen in ay sugi la’a yihiin ilaa iyo inta si rasmi ah loo furi doono goobtan ganacsi oo ah marka xannibaada guri jooga iyo kala fogaanshaha gobolka Minnesota oo la filayo in ay dhamaato bisha May 18, 2020.
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