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Dr. Abdisalam Adam vying for school board position in Fridley



Voters in Fridley, Minnesota will choose Three (3) candidates for Fridley Public School Board seats in the November 5, 2019 election.

Dr. Abdisalam Adam is a candidate for one of three Fridley Public Schools School Board seats that will be up for election on November 5, 2019. Fridley School Board is a six (6) member board that serves the City of Fridley’s school district of 3,000 students. Dr.  Adam is a strong candidate who have been involved in bridging educational, cultural, and interfaith understanding in the Twin Cities for over two decades.

Dr. Adam who is a board member currently at Fridley Public Schools have announced his candidacy for the Fridley School Board election on August 3rd, 2019. His campaign kick started officially early September. Dr. Abdisalam Adam, and he supporters hosted meet and greet event at Islamic Center of Minnesota on Saturday, September 28, 2019.

Board member Kim Sampson, who has served on the School Board for 18 years, announced during the November 2018 board meeting that she would be resigning from her board position effective December 31, 2018.  Fridley Public Schools held a special meeting on December 12, 2018 to interview three candidates who applied for a school board position currently held by Board member Kim Sampson. At the completion of the interviews, the Fridley School Board unanimously voted to appoint Dr. Abdisalam Adam to complete the remainder of Sampson’s term.

Adam has lived in the Fridley community for 18 years. His son graduated from Fridley High School in 2014.  He said that the school board vacancy appealed to him as it represented an opportunity to give back and strengthen his involvement in the community.

“It is an honor and privilege for me to be selected to serve on the Board of Fridley Public Schools and I am very grateful to be a candidate for the School Board,” said Adam. He added that quality public education is the cornerstone of our representative democracy in producing responsible citizens.  “As a member of the Fridley School Board, I will strive for equity in governance and work hard to ensure that the students of Fridley Public Schools receive a world-class education that meets the challenges of a global work place,” said Adam.

With 23 years of experience in education, Adam currently serves as an assistant principal at Highland Park High School in the St. Paul Public Schools district.  His previous work experience includes teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) at St. Paul Public Schools, and interim principal and social studies teacher at the Al-Amal School in Fridley. His teaching career has also included teaching ESL at Central High School, Como Park High School, Parkway Elementary School, Boys Totem Correctional Program, Washington Middle School, and Highwood Hills Elementary School.

Adam has served on boards of various civic and educational organizations including the Al-Amal School Board, Neighborhood House, the Islamic Civic Society of America, and the American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa.  He has also participated in advisory committees for the Minnesota Department of Education on EL, Special Education, Bilingual Seal, and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

“Dr. Adam brings with him broad community involvement both in Fridley and beyond our borders,” said Fridley School Board Chair Mary Kay Delvo, adding that Adam’s previous school board experience adds to his wealth of knowledge on the collaborative role and function of school boards. “On top of his strong skills and experience, as a career educator, he will bring a valued lens to Board discussions on our priority work of supporting increased achievement and opportunities for all our students,” said Delvo.

Adam received his Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language from King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  He earned his Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction from St. Cloud State University, and his K-12 principal license from Bethel University.  He is currently a Doctor of Education (Ed.D) candidate at Bethel University.

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Youth Leader and Mentor: Mohamed Jama’s Fight for Change in Whittier




MINNEAPOLIS – In the heart of Minneapolis, the Whittier neighborhood has recently become a focal point of concern, grappling with a significant surge in gun violence and crime. This troubling trend has particularly impacted the immigrant residents, leaving many feeling vulnerable and neglected. Amid this turmoil, one community member has stepped up to make a profound difference: Mohamed Jama, a devoted father, husband, and passionate youth mentor.

Recognizing the urgent need for positive change, Mohamed Jama founded Youth Legacy, a non-profit organization dedicated to uplifting the community and providing a safe haven for its young residents. His journey began after witnessing the devastating effects of violence on families in his neighborhood. “I couldn’t just stand by and watch,” Mohamed reflects. “I knew I had to take action.”

A Commitment to Community Safety

With gun violence leading the statistics in Whittier, Mohamed Jama knew that safety was paramount. He organizes weekly street outreach initiatives and safety walks, where community members and youth come together to patrol the streets, fostering a sense of security and unity. These efforts not only help to deter crime but also encourage residents to engage with one another, creating a supportive network in a time of need.

In addition to these proactive measures, Mohamed Jama has collaborated with local leaders, business owners, and residents to host public safety meetings. These gatherings provide a platform for open discussion about the challenges facing the neighborhood and allow community members to brainstorm solutions together. “It’s important for everyone to have a voice,” Mohamed Jama says. “By working together, we can create a safer environment for our families.”

Mentorship and Empowerment

At the core of Mohamed’s mission is his commitment to mentoring the youth. He understands that young people in the community are particularly affected by the climate of fear and uncertainty. Through Youth Legacy, Mohamed Jama provides mentorship programs that encourage personal growth, resilience, and leadership skills. He meets with young people regularly, offering guidance and support in navigating their challenges.

Recognizing a lack of structured programs and safe spaces for youth, Mohamed Jama is in the process of launching an after-school program designed to provide engaging activities and a positive environment for young people. “We want to give them options—something to look forward to after school,” he explains. “We need to create youth-friendly spaces where they feel safe and valued.”

Building a Generational Legacy of Hope

Mohamed Jama’s efforts extend beyond immediate safety concerns; he aims to foster a long-lasting legacy of hope and empowerment in Whittier. Through community clean-up events, he encourages youth and residents to take pride in their surroundings, instilling a sense of ownership and responsibility for the neighborhood.

Despite the challenges, Mohamed Jama remains optimistic. “Change takes time, but every small action counts. I believe in the power of community,” he emphasizes. His vision is clear: to transform Whittier into a place where all youth and families can thrive, free from fear and violence.

Mohamed Jama’s unwavering dedication to his community serves as an inspiring reminder of what one person can accomplish when fueled by passion and a desire to uplift others. As he continues to lead initiatives that focus on safety, mentorship, and community engagement, Mohamed Jama is not just making a difference—he is paving the way for a brighter future for the next generation in Whittier.

Photos by Abdirahman Mukhtar (Tusmo Times)

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Minnesota –

Waxaad Tusmo Times uga barateen in aan idinla wadaagno oo aan idin wargelino akhbaar, warar iyo macluumaad la xiriira ammniga, bed-qabka bulshadda iyo arrimaha guud ahaan saameeya bulshadda Soomaaliyeed eek u dhaqan gobolka Minnesota. Haddaba maanta waxaan idinla wadaageynaa fariin, macluumaad iyo wargelin muhiim ah oo ku socota qoysaska iyo bulshadda Soomaalida oo la xiriirta caafimaadka.

Waaxda Caafimaadka ee Minnesota ayaa sheegtay in Cudurka Jadeecada oo bishii shanaad ee May ka bilowday gobolka Minnesota uu faafay, cudurkan ayaa ku faafay oo soo riday 39 carruur ah, sidoo kale tiradda carruurta ama dadka uu ku dhacay ama laga helay cudurka jadeecadda ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa 40 qof maraya sannadkan.

Ha’yadda Caafimaadka Aduunka ee (World Health Organization) ayaa sheegtay in 136,000 oo qof in ay u dhinteen cudurka jadeecada dunida oo dhan sannadkii 2022-ka.

Ururka Caafimaadka Aduunka ee WHO ayaa ku dhawaaqay sannadkii 2000 in cudurka Jadeecadda gebi ahaanba dalka Mareykanka laga tirtiray oo saameeyntiisa la so oaf-jaray. Balse sannadkii 2017-kii ayuu cudurku dib uga dilaacay gobolka Minnesota, wuxuuna ku dhacay 70 qof oo u baddan Soomaali. Sannadkii 2022 ayuu markale cudurku dib ugu faafay gobolka Minnesota markii laga helay dhowr qof oo dalka dibadiisa u safray.


Jadeecadu waa xanuun la kala qaado oo uu fayrus keeno, kuna faafa hawada, qofkuna qufac iyo hindhiso yeesho. Cudurka Jadeecadu waa caabuq uu talaal baajin karo.

Haddaba faafitaanka cudurkan jadeecada, gaar ahaan saameynta uu ku leeyahay carruurta Soomaalida oo iyagu u baddan 30 qof ee uu cudurku soo ritay ayaa la xiriirta, loona aaneynayaa talaal la’aanta ama carruurta aanan talaalneyn.

Marka ay qoysasku socdaalaan ama safar ay ku tagaan wadamo qaarada Africa kamid ah, carruurtooduna ayna talaalneyn waxay keentaa in ay qaadaan cudurka, kaddibna ku faafo qoyska iyo bulshadda inteeda kale. Waana mida keentay in uu mudo kooban cudurku ku faafo Minnesota, gaar ahaan carruurta Soomaalida.

Waxaa jira dugsi kamid ah dugsiyadda ku yaala gobolka Minnesota oo ay maamulka dugsigu iskood u xireen dugsiga si ay uga hortagaan faafitaanka cudurka Jadeecada.

Waxaa bilowday oo dib loogu noqday Iskuuladii. Sidoo kale waxaa jira goobo ay kamid yihiin XANAANOOYINKA, DUGSIYADDA, ISKUULADDA, GOOBAHA LAGU CIYAARO IYO XARUMO KALE oo ay si gaar ah carruurta Soomaalidu u tagaan, uguna xiran yihiin, waana arrin kordhin karta faafitaanka cudurka oo walwalkeeda leh.


Calaamadaha jadeecada waxay badanaa yimaadaan marka hal ilaa laba todobaad kaddib qofku la kulmo cid qabta cudurkan. Jadeecadu waxay ku bilaabantaa duuf sanka ah oo qofka ka dareera, qufac, indhaha oo casaan noqda. Dhibco yaryar oo cadaan ah ayaa kasoo baxa afka wixii ka danbee sadex maalmood marka calaamadaha la arko oo ay la socoto xumad yar (101-102°F). Finan badan ayaa qofka ka soo yaaca oo ay u dheertahay xumad baddan oo gaaraysa (104°F) taas oo timaada saddex ilaa shan maalmood kaddib marka calaamadaha u horeeyay la arkay.

Finanka qofka ka soo baxa ayaa bilaaba in ay yeeshaan meelo casaan ah oo wajiga ka soo baxa, kaddibna waxay ku faafaan jidhka intiisa kale. Ka dib marka finanku faafaan, waxaa dhici karta in ay finanka kala duwan isasoo gadhaan.

Dhibaatada iyo saameynta caafimaad ee uu cudurkani leeyahay waxaa kamid ah:

1. Caabuqa sanbabka (pneumonia) kaas oo keena in isbitaalka la isku dhigo, waana sababaha ugu waawayn ee ay carruurtu ugu dhintaan cudurka jadeecada, ama isbitaal in mudo ah loo seexiyo.

2. Barar maskaxda ah (encephalitis) ayaa iman kara, kaas oo horseedaya suuxdin, dhago beeli rasmi ah ama laxaad la’aan ku dhacda garaadka qofka.


Jadeecadu badanaa waxaa keena fayrus faafa oo ku dhaca tobankii qof sagaal qof oo ah kuwa aanan laga talaalin. Fayruska jadeecadu waxa uu ku gudbaa hawada maadama uu qufac iyo hindhiso wato. Carruurta qaaday jadeecadu waxay neefsadaan hawo uu la socdo fayruska cudurka keena. Qofka cudurkani uu ku dhacay marka uu taabto meel, tusaale ahaan marka ay taabtaan indhahooda, sankooda ama afkaba waxa ay ku reebaan fayruska. Dadku waxay dadka kale qaad siin karaan ama ku faafin karaan laga bilaabo maalinta afraad iyo wixii ka danbeeya oo dhan.


Ma jirto dawo fayruska lagu dilo uu u gaar ah oo lagu dawayn karo caabuqa jadeecada. Balse waxaa jira ka hortag uu talaalku know ka yahay iyo isticmaalka Fiitaamiin A-ga oo taakulo kaalmo ah keeni kara. Balse Fiitaamiin A-gu kama hortago ama ma daweeyo jadeecada.Waxa ugu wanaagsan ee la hubo ee kahortaga keena waa Talaalka MMR-ka.


• Talaalka MMR ayaa ah qaabka ugu wanaagsan ee la iskaga ilaalin karo jadeecada. MMR waa talaal amaan ah oo wax ku ool ah. Laba xadi ama laba jeer oo kala duwan oo Talaalka MMR-ka ah ayaa boqolkiiba 97% kahortagi kara jadeecada. Eeg ama waydii dhakhtarka carruutaada diiwaankaaga talaalka cunugaaga si aad u xaqiijiso in MMR iyo talaalada kale ee ay carruurtaadu qaateen. Carruurtu waxay u baahan tahay laba xadi oo talaalka MMR-ka ah; xadiga kowaad ama midka koobaad waxaa la siiyaa marka ay yihiin 12-15 bilood jir ka labaadna waxaa lasiiyaa mark ay lix sanno jir yihiin.

• La soco oo horay u qorshee haddii qoyskaagu uu diyaar u yahay in uu safar caalami ah oo wadanka looga baxo uu galo. Carruurta yaryar ee 6 bilood kayar waxay qaadan karaan talaalka MMR-ka ka hor inta ayna safrin si aad u taxadartaan oo caafimaadkooda u ilaalisaan. Carruurta waawayn waxay sidoo kale haboon in ay qaataan xadiga labaad ama qaybta labaad ee talaalka MMR-ka. Kala hadal dhakhtarka kuu daryeela carruurta wixii khatar ah ee carruurtu kala kulmi karaan socdaalka iyo safarka aad galeysaan.

• Waxaa dhici karta in ay jiraan xubno qoyskaaga ah oo aan lasiin karin talaalka MMR-ka oo ay ku jiraan carruurta, dumarka uurka leh iyo dad kale oo difaaca jidhkoodu diciif yahay sababo la xiriira caafimaadkooda. Haddaba haddii ay qoyskaaga kamid yihiin dad ku sugan marxaladahan caafimaad, fadlan la xiriir dhakhtarkaaga, kalana tasho safarka aad galayso iyo sidii aad caafimaad ahaan isku badbaadin lahaydeen.

Halkan kala soco warbixinta caafimaad ee ku saabsan faafitaanka Jadeecada iyo macluumaad muhiim ah oo la xiriira:



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An evening of community celebration: Cedar-Riverside Multicultural Dinner




MINNEAPOLIS – The Annual Cedar-Riverside Multicultural Dinner took place last night, Thursday from 4:00pm-7:30pm at the Brian Coyle Community Center. Hundreds of community members enjoyed food from local restaurants and experienced a taste of the local cuisine with neighbors and loved ones.

In addition to food, community members enjoyed music, dance, and connected with each other while sharing tradition.

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