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Attention, Minnesota! Measles Outbreak Alert



Minnesota –

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) confirmed measles outbreak. This highly contagious virus can be serious, especially for young children and those with weakened immune systems. Here’s what you need to know:

🔹 What is Measles? A viral infection that causes a high fever, cough, runny nose, and a characteristic rash. It can lead to complications like pneumonia and encephalitis.

🔹Symptoms to Watch For: Fever, cough, runny nose, and a red, blotchy rash that typically starts on the face and spreads.

🔹 Prevention: The best defense is vaccination. Ensure you and your family are up-to-date with the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine. It’s safe and highly effective.

🔹 If You Suspect Infection: Contact your healthcare provider immediately and avoid public places to prevent spreading the virus.

Your vigilance can help protect our community. For more information and updates, check with local health authorities and healthcare providers.

Stay safe and informed!







Minnesota –

Waxaad Tusmo Times uga barateen in aan idinla wadaagno oo aan idin wargelino akhbaar, warar iyo macluumaad la xiriira ammniga, bed-qabka bulshadda iyo arrimaha guud ahaan saameeya bulshadda Soomaaliyeed eek u dhaqan gobolka Minnesota. Haddaba maanta waxaan idinla wadaageynaa fariin, macluumaad iyo wargelin muhiim ah oo ku socota qoysaska iyo bulshadda Soomaalida oo la xiriirta caafimaadka.

Waaxda Caafimaadka ee Minnesota ayaa sheegtay in Cudurka Jadeecada oo bishii shanaad ee May ka bilowday gobolka Minnesota uu faafay, cudurkan ayaa ku faafay oo soo riday 39 carruur ah, sidoo kale tiradda carruurta ama dadka uu ku dhacay ama laga helay cudurka jadeecadda ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa 40 qof maraya sannadkan.

Ha’yadda Caafimaadka Aduunka ee (World Health Organization) ayaa sheegtay in 136,000 oo qof in ay u dhinteen cudurka jadeecada dunida oo dhan sannadkii 2022-ka.

Ururka Caafimaadka Aduunka ee WHO ayaa ku dhawaaqay sannadkii 2000 in cudurka Jadeecadda gebi ahaanba dalka Mareykanka laga tirtiray oo saameeyntiisa la so oaf-jaray. Balse sannadkii 2017-kii ayuu cudurku dib uga dilaacay gobolka Minnesota, wuxuuna ku dhacay 70 qof oo u baddan Soomaali. Sannadkii 2022 ayuu markale cudurku dib ugu faafay gobolka Minnesota markii laga helay dhowr qof oo dalka dibadiisa u safray.


Jadeecadu waa xanuun la kala qaado oo uu fayrus keeno, kuna faafa hawada, qofkuna qufac iyo hindhiso yeesho. Cudurka Jadeecadu waa caabuq uu talaal baajin karo.

Haddaba faafitaanka cudurkan jadeecada, gaar ahaan saameynta uu ku leeyahay carruurta Soomaalida oo iyagu u baddan 30 qof ee uu cudurku soo ritay ayaa la xiriirta, loona aaneynayaa talaal la’aanta ama carruurta aanan talaalneyn.

Marka ay qoysasku socdaalaan ama safar ay ku tagaan wadamo qaarada Africa kamid ah, carruurtooduna ayna talaalneyn waxay keentaa in ay qaadaan cudurka, kaddibna ku faafo qoyska iyo bulshadda inteeda kale. Waana mida keentay in uu mudo kooban cudurku ku faafo Minnesota, gaar ahaan carruurta Soomaalida.

Waxaa jira dugsi kamid ah dugsiyadda ku yaala gobolka Minnesota oo ay maamulka dugsigu iskood u xireen dugsiga si ay uga hortagaan faafitaanka cudurka Jadeecada.

Waxaa bilowday oo dib loogu noqday Iskuuladii. Sidoo kale waxaa jira goobo ay kamid yihiin XANAANOOYINKA, DUGSIYADDA, ISKUULADDA, GOOBAHA LAGU CIYAARO IYO XARUMO KALE oo ay si gaar ah carruurta Soomaalidu u tagaan, uguna xiran yihiin, waana arrin kordhin karta faafitaanka cudurka oo walwalkeeda leh.


Calaamadaha jadeecada waxay badanaa yimaadaan marka hal ilaa laba todobaad kaddib qofku la kulmo cid qabta cudurkan. Jadeecadu waxay ku bilaabantaa duuf sanka ah oo qofka ka dareera, qufac, indhaha oo casaan noqda. Dhibco yaryar oo cadaan ah ayaa kasoo baxa afka wixii ka danbee sadex maalmood marka calaamadaha la arko oo ay la socoto xumad yar (101-102°F). Finan badan ayaa qofka ka soo yaaca oo ay u dheertahay xumad baddan oo gaaraysa (104°F) taas oo timaada saddex ilaa shan maalmood kaddib marka calaamadaha u horeeyay la arkay.

Finanka qofka ka soo baxa ayaa bilaaba in ay yeeshaan meelo casaan ah oo wajiga ka soo baxa, kaddibna waxay ku faafaan jidhka intiisa kale. Ka dib marka finanku faafaan, waxaa dhici karta in ay finanka kala duwan isasoo gadhaan.

Dhibaatada iyo saameynta caafimaad ee uu cudurkani leeyahay waxaa kamid ah:

1. Caabuqa sanbabka (pneumonia) kaas oo keena in isbitaalka la isku dhigo, waana sababaha ugu waawayn ee ay carruurtu ugu dhintaan cudurka jadeecada, ama isbitaal in mudo ah loo seexiyo.

2. Barar maskaxda ah (encephalitis) ayaa iman kara, kaas oo horseedaya suuxdin, dhago beeli rasmi ah ama laxaad la’aan ku dhacda garaadka qofka.


Jadeecadu badanaa waxaa keena fayrus faafa oo ku dhaca tobankii qof sagaal qof oo ah kuwa aanan laga talaalin. Fayruska jadeecadu waxa uu ku gudbaa hawada maadama uu qufac iyo hindhiso wato. Carruurta qaaday jadeecadu waxay neefsadaan hawo uu la socdo fayruska cudurka keena. Qofka cudurkani uu ku dhacay marka uu taabto meel, tusaale ahaan marka ay taabtaan indhahooda, sankooda ama afkaba waxa ay ku reebaan fayruska. Dadku waxay dadka kale qaad siin karaan ama ku faafin karaan laga bilaabo maalinta afraad iyo wixii ka danbeeya oo dhan.


Ma jirto dawo fayruska lagu dilo uu u gaar ah oo lagu dawayn karo caabuqa jadeecada. Balse waxaa jira ka hortag uu talaalku know ka yahay iyo isticmaalka Fiitaamiin A-ga oo taakulo kaalmo ah keeni kara. Balse Fiitaamiin A-gu kama hortago ama ma daweeyo jadeecada.Waxa ugu wanaagsan ee la hubo ee kahortaga keena waa Talaalka MMR-ka.


• Talaalka MMR ayaa ah qaabka ugu wanaagsan ee la iskaga ilaalin karo jadeecada. MMR waa talaal amaan ah oo wax ku ool ah. Laba xadi ama laba jeer oo kala duwan oo Talaalka MMR-ka ah ayaa boqolkiiba 97% kahortagi kara jadeecada. Eeg ama waydii dhakhtarka carruutaada diiwaankaaga talaalka cunugaaga si aad u xaqiijiso in MMR iyo talaalada kale ee ay carruurtaadu qaateen. Carruurtu waxay u baahan tahay laba xadi oo talaalka MMR-ka ah; xadiga kowaad ama midka koobaad waxaa la siiyaa marka ay yihiin 12-15 bilood jir ka labaadna waxaa lasiiyaa mark ay lix sanno jir yihiin.

• La soco oo horay u qorshee haddii qoyskaagu uu diyaar u yahay in uu safar caalami ah oo wadanka looga baxo uu galo. Carruurta yaryar ee 6 bilood kayar waxay qaadan karaan talaalka MMR-ka ka hor inta ayna safrin si aad u taxadartaan oo caafimaadkooda u ilaalisaan. Carruurta waawayn waxay sidoo kale haboon in ay qaataan xadiga labaad ama qaybta labaad ee talaalka MMR-ka. Kala hadal dhakhtarka kuu daryeela carruurta wixii khatar ah ee carruurtu kala kulmi karaan socdaalka iyo safarka aad galeysaan.

• Waxaa dhici karta in ay jiraan xubno qoyskaaga ah oo aan lasiin karin talaalka MMR-ka oo ay ku jiraan carruurta, dumarka uurka leh iyo dad kale oo difaaca jidhkoodu diciif yahay sababo la xiriira caafimaadkooda. Haddaba haddii ay qoyskaaga kamid yihiin dad ku sugan marxaladahan caafimaad, fadlan la xiriir dhakhtarkaaga, kalana tasho safarka aad galayso iyo sidii aad caafimaad ahaan isku badbaadin lahaydeen.

Halkan kala soco warbixinta caafimaad ee ku saabsan faafitaanka Jadeecada iyo macluumaad muhiim ah oo la xiriira:



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Minnesota overdose deaths held steady in 2022




Widespread naloxone availability is a key response to average of three deaths a day

Overdose deaths held steady from 2021 to 2022, 1,356 to 1,343, marking a plateau after several years of sharp increases, according to the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Statewide Trends in Drug Overdose: Preliminary 2022 Data Update (PDF). At the same time, the preliminary data showed fentanyl-related overdoses continued to take a tragic toll, keeping deaths at a historically high level. 

Fentanyl, which is more deadly and 50 times more potent than heroin, has made Minnesota’s drug supply more dangerous. Fentanyl is now involved in 92% of all opioid-involved deaths and 62% of all overdose deaths in Minnesota, according to preliminary 2022 data. Opioid-involved deaths increased 3% (977 to 1002 deaths) from 2021 to 2022, according to preliminary data. 

“We are responding to the more deadly threat of fentanyl with several new tools for saving lives that were passed by the Legislature in 2023, such as expanding the availability of naloxone, and covering the costs of having it on hand, in school buildings, treatment programs, and during emergency and law enforcement calls,” said Minnesota Commissioner of Health Dr. Brooke Cunningham. 

Meanwhile, deaths involving prescribed opioids, heroin and methadone decreased. Deaths involving heroin fell to a 10-year low, decreasing 56% (103 to 45 deaths) between 2021 and 2022.

Psychostimulants (e.g., methamphetamine) and cocaine also contributed to the number of drug overdose deaths. Cocaine-involved deaths saw the largest increase of any drug category, increasing 27% (165 to 210 deaths).

Drug overdoses have a larger impact on individuals, families and communities than deaths alone. For every one drug overdose death, there were nearly 13 nonfatal drug overdoses in 2022. The number of hospital-treated nonfatal overdoses remained relatively stable, decreasing 5% from 2021 to 2022 (17,792 to 16,934 overdoses), according to the data brief. 

Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan’s 2023 One Minnesota Budget included over $200 million to address substance use and overdoses—with $50 million of that coming to MDH over the next four years. The investment addresses prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. Additionally, the governor and Legislature passed a policy to reduce drug overdose deaths by requiring all schools, law enforcement officials, emergency responders and residential treatment programs to have naloxone on hand. MDH and the Minnesota Department of Education have posted a toolkit to help schools obtain cost-free naloxone and implement the new requirement. 

Additional state-led activities include expanding medication-assisted treatment, establishing new peer recovery support systems and launching the MN Naloxone Portal where mandated groups can access no-cost naloxone. Collaboration with other state agencies and federal funding partners help make this overdose and substance use response work possible.


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Research Brief: ‘Social capital’ contributes to food security of Somali-American households




MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL (10/10/2023) — Despite the U.S.’s perceived wealth and abundance, food security remains a public health challenge for millions of Americans. In 2021, 13.5 million U.S. households were food insecure — meaning they did not have access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life — and rates of household food insecurity were especially high among single-parent households, Black and Hispanic households and low-income households. A new study from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH) researchers, published in Food Policy, analyzes food security among a relatively new U.S. immigrant group — Somali Americans.

SPH researchers focused their research on social capital, which is the beneficial exchange of information and other intangible non-monetary support offered within an individual’s social network or cultural community. Specifically, the research team analyzed the ways in which social capital impacts the food security of people in the Somali-American community. Social capital was measured objectively by using the size of each local Somali American community, as well as subjectively, which involved surveying community members about their day-to-day interactions with other members of the community.

Despite their significant presence in the U.S., Somali Americans are not well-represented in national research datasets such as the Current Population Survey. To overcome this, SPH researchers used a case-study method to collect and analyze data from 249 Somali-American households across seven cities in the Midwest. The study found:

  • Rates of food insecurity are higher than the average U.S. household. 22% of Somali-American households in the Midwest were food insecure, compared to 10% of all U.S. households.
  • The size of the ethnic enclave in a particular community (objective social capital) had a significantly positive association with rates of food security. Adding 1,000 Somalians to an urban center increased food security among local Somali American households by 0.5 to 0.6 points.
  • Subjective measures of social capital were less conclusive. While subjective measures studied are not positively associated with food security, some informal interactions help people engage with their local Somali American community in ways that can stave off food insufficiency.

“Social capital can include anything from borrowing cooking ingredients from neighbors, helping community members who do not speak English or just asking other members of the community for advice,” said Harshada Karnik, SPH researcher and lead author of the study. “By examining the relationship between social capital and food security in the Somali-American community, we found that people who belonged to larger Somali American communities experienced greater food security. We are able to provide some evidence suggesting that factors other than income might also affect people’s ability to ensure food security. These findings are relevant to not only refugees, but also to other low-income, immigrant communities that develop informal or unorganized systems in the absence of formal services.”

The researchers note that social capital should not be viewed as solutions to food security, but rather as temporary arrangements for which policymakers need to develop more permanent, inclusive and reliable substitutes.

About the School of Public Health

The University of Minnesota School of Public Health improves the health and wellbeing of populations and communities around the world by bringing innovative research, learning, and concrete actions to today’s biggest health challenges. We prepare some of the most influential leaders in the field, and partner with health departments, communities, and policymakers to advance health equity for all. Learn more at

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