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Minnesota 2018 Youth Voter Turnout Tops in the United States
Sec. Simon: “Good habits start early – the young voters of today are the seasoned voters of tomorrow. No metric is more important to the future of our state than the participation of young people in our political process.” SAINT PAUL – When it comes to elections, Minnesotans are consistently the best voters in the […]

Sec. Simon: “Good habits start early – the young voters of today are the seasoned voters of tomorrow. No metric is more important to the future of our state than the participation of young people in our political process.”
SAINT PAUL – When it comes to elections, Minnesotans are consistently the best voters in the United States, routinely ranking #1 for turnout. For the 2018 Statewide General Election, 64.25 percent of eligible voters cast a ballot. A recent study from The Center for Information & Research on Civil Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University dug deeper into voter participation rates across the country and found that young voters in Minnesota also voted in 2018 at the highest rates in the country, coming in at 43.7 percent participation. See more from the CIRCLE study here.
“Empowering young people to vote is one of my most important responsibilities,” said Secretary of State Steve Simon. “We have a great tradition in Minnesota of voting in high numbers, but that tradition will only continue if we pass it on to the next generation. Good habits start early – the young voters of today are the seasoned voters of tomorrow. No metric is more important to the future of our state than the participation of young people in our political process. I am so proud of all Minnesotans for exercising their right to vote, but I am especially enthusiastic to see young Minnesotans embracing their political power.”
Secretary of State Simon has made nonpartisan student and youth outreach a priority. Every two years, the statewide “Students Vote” program supports mock elections at hundreds of high schools with organizing outlines, materials, realistic sample ballots, and articles. Students Vote exposes students to the process and realistic experience of elections.
The Minnesota College Ballot Bowl provides resources that support voter outreach and education at public, private, two-year and four-year colleges and university campuses across Minnesota.
The Secretary’s office also works with nonprofit organizations to train volunteers in voter registration at the state’s high schools, as well as providing ongoing resources to the teachers in areas like voting and civic engagement. These programs teach young Minnesotans a sense of the responsibility and power they have as voters.
Finally, the office works with other nonpartisan organizations to galvanize youth participation in our elections and leadership in civic life.
“A youth wave swept across Minnesota,” said Mike Dean Executive Director of LeadMN – College Students Connecting for Change. “The 2018 election is proof that young people want to have their voices heard.”
According to the CIRCLE study, an estimated 31 percent of eligible 18-to-29-year-olds voted in the 2018 midterm election. That represented a 10 percent increase over nationwide turnout in the 2014 midterm election. In Minnesota, the increase in youth turnout in 2018 was more than 20 percent higher than the same age group in the 2014 election. Minnesota’s increase in youth turnout was second only to Montana.
ourtesy of CIRCLE at Tufts University
CIRCLE focuses on young people in the United States, especially those who are marginalized or disadvantaged in political life. CIRCLE’s scholarly research informs policy and practice for healthier youth development and a better democracy. CIRCLE is based at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University.
For more information about CIRCLE, visit their website at www.civicyouth.org. For more information about voting in Minnesota, visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website at mnvotes.org.
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Hudda Ibrahim oo xil loo magacaabay islamarkaana ay ansixiyeen guddiga golaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud

Saint Cloud – Guddiga golaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa Dr. Hudda Ibrahim u magacaabay in ay kamid noqoto guddiga gollaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud. Hudda ayaa qabanaysa xilkii uu hayey Jake Anderson oo bishii November loo doortay in uu noqdo duqa magaaladda Saint Cloud.

Dr. Hudda Ibrahim ayaa waxaa u codeeyay dhamaan xubnaha guddiga gollaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud ee gobolka Minnesota. Dr. Hudda Ibrahim ayaa taariikh cusub ka dhigtay magaaladda Saint Cloud. Waxay noqotay qofkii u horeeyay ee Soomaali ah ee xil dowladeed ka qabta magaaladda Saint Cloud.
Xigashadda sawiradda: Xidig TV
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Magaaladda St. Paul oo bixisay deymo lagu lahaa 32,000 oo qof

SAINT PAUL – Magaaladda St. Paul ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa bixisay dhamaan deymo la xiriira caafimaadka oo lagu lahaa 32,000 oo qof oo deggen magaaladda. Duqa magaaladda St. Paul iyo shaqaalaha howshan ka shaqeeyay ayaa todobaadkan waraaqo u diraya 32,000 oo qof oo ay u sheegayaan in dhamaan wixii dayn caafimaad ee lagu lahaa laga bixiyay, lagan tirtiri doono.
Arrintan oo aad loo hadal hayo ayaa waxaa balanqaaday duqa magaaladda St. Paul Melvin Carter markii uu ku jiray ololaha doorashadda ee dib loogu doortay. Haddaba magaaladda St. Paul ayaa tirtirtay daymo qiimo ahaan ah $40 milyan oo ah daymo la xiriira caafimaadka oo lagu lahaa dadka deggen magaaladda. Duqa magaalada St. Paul Melvin Carter ayaa sheegay in qorshahan looga golleeyahay in taageero la siiyo dadka daynta lagu leeyahay ee deggen magaaladda St. Paul si culeyksa dhaqaale looga qaado, loona garab qabto oo loo kaalmeeyo.

Local News

MINNEAPOLIS – Derrick Thompson oo ah ninkii shanta gabdhood ee Soomaalida ah shil gaadhi ku dilay ayaa diiday heshiis qirasho ah oo ay haweenayda ah Xeer-ilaaliyaha Degmadda Hennepin soo hordhigtay, balse ninkan ayaa sheegay in uu beddelkeeda maxkamadayn doonayo. Ninkan ayaa ku eedaysan dil darajada saddexaad ah iyo dil baabuur oo lagu eedeeyay in uu baabuur ku dhacay oo uu dilay shan gabdhood oo saaxiibo ah isaga oo ka baxsanaya booliiska.
Bishii hore ayeey maxkamad heer federaal ah ninkan ku heshay dhowr dembi oo la xiriira dilka gabdhaha. Qareenada Degmadda Hennepin ayaa xaqiijiyay in Derrick Thompson iyo qareenada difaacaya ay diideen heshiiska qiraalka ah, iyaga oo door biday in dacwadda la billaabo Febraayo 18, 2025 oo maxkamad la aado.
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