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Business Man Suleiman Isse Announces Run for the Minnesota Senate in District 59

Suleiman Isse has expressed his interest in contesting for the Minnesota state Senate in District 59. The St. Thomas University degree holder, businessman and a non-profit administrator maintain that two things anchor his interest in the seat. The history of the United States and personal drive to give back to the society; that sheltered him after fleeing from his war-torn home in Somalia.
When explaining the history of the United States, Isse maintains that the US was built on fundamental pillars of respect for human life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. It’s through these principles, the pioneers of this great nation forged the ideal American values which have since then guided the US to its glory.
When he came to the US in 1999, Isse was a young boy in pursuit of peace and security. The United States offered him refuge from the Somali civil war. He accessed quality education, fundamental human rights, and, most importantly, a chance to pursue the American dream. This is what makes him feel indebted to give back to a community that welcomed him at the hour of need.
The BA in Business Administration holder has made it clear that he is not running for the Minnesota Senate seat in District 59 for ‘power and glory’ instead protect the fundamental values developed by the forefathers of this great nation from been sidelined. He said that he feels that it is his duty to ensure that the residents of the state of Minnesota receive fair and just treatment.
Isse also noted that the recent Covid-19 global outbreak had exposed the unjust treatment of immigrants. He says that this is evident from the assertions to deny the so-called “mixed-status” families coronavirus relief package. He terms the action as absurd and inhuman to deny tax paying mixed-status families some form of financial relief.
Isse points out that the fabrics that made Minnesota a great state are now at risk. He maintains that today, Injustice is taking root in the country with residents of District 59 waking up to battle for racial justice, equity and inclusion. Isse said he is surprised the residents are still facing social issues like housing and public education.
Isse has promised that his leadership aims at solving fundamental issues affecting the residents of District 59. These issues include and are not limited to education, housing, healthcare, and policy issues on transport and agriculture, as well as the legalization of marijuana. He categorically states that his goal is to create an environment where every resident in District 59 in Minnesota, despite his/her gender, sexual orientations, religion, race, age, rich or poor, thoroughly enjoys the American values.
He confidently called for his supporters to vote for him on the 3rd November election overwhelmingly. He encouraged the residents of District 59 to come to grips with their principles and make a definite choice. On that day, he believes that the voters will decide on the kind of people they are and the type of society they want now and for future generations.
Suleiman Isse is challenging Senator Bobby Joe Champion (DFL), who represents District 59 since 2013.
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Hudda Ibrahim oo xil loo magacaabay islamarkaana ay ansixiyeen guddiga golaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud

Saint Cloud – Guddiga golaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa Dr. Hudda Ibrahim u magacaabay in ay kamid noqoto guddiga gollaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud. Hudda ayaa qabanaysa xilkii uu hayey Jake Anderson oo bishii November loo doortay in uu noqdo duqa magaaladda Saint Cloud.

Dr. Hudda Ibrahim ayaa waxaa u codeeyay dhamaan xubnaha guddiga gollaha deegaanka magaaladda Saint Cloud ee gobolka Minnesota. Dr. Hudda Ibrahim ayaa taariikh cusub ka dhigtay magaaladda Saint Cloud. Waxay noqotay qofkii u horeeyay ee Soomaali ah ee xil dowladeed ka qabta magaaladda Saint Cloud.
Xigashadda sawiradda: Xidig TV
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Magaaladda St. Paul oo bixisay deymo lagu lahaa 32,000 oo qof

SAINT PAUL – Magaaladda St. Paul ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa bixisay dhamaan deymo la xiriira caafimaadka oo lagu lahaa 32,000 oo qof oo deggen magaaladda. Duqa magaaladda St. Paul iyo shaqaalaha howshan ka shaqeeyay ayaa todobaadkan waraaqo u diraya 32,000 oo qof oo ay u sheegayaan in dhamaan wixii dayn caafimaad ee lagu lahaa laga bixiyay, lagan tirtiri doono.
Arrintan oo aad loo hadal hayo ayaa waxaa balanqaaday duqa magaaladda St. Paul Melvin Carter markii uu ku jiray ololaha doorashadda ee dib loogu doortay. Haddaba magaaladda St. Paul ayaa tirtirtay daymo qiimo ahaan ah $40 milyan oo ah daymo la xiriira caafimaadka oo lagu lahaa dadka deggen magaaladda. Duqa magaalada St. Paul Melvin Carter ayaa sheegay in qorshahan looga golleeyahay in taageero la siiyo dadka daynta lagu leeyahay ee deggen magaaladda St. Paul si culeyksa dhaqaale looga qaado, loona garab qabto oo loo kaalmeeyo.

Local News

MINNEAPOLIS – Derrick Thompson oo ah ninkii shanta gabdhood ee Soomaalida ah shil gaadhi ku dilay ayaa diiday heshiis qirasho ah oo ay haweenayda ah Xeer-ilaaliyaha Degmadda Hennepin soo hordhigtay, balse ninkan ayaa sheegay in uu beddelkeeda maxkamadayn doonayo. Ninkan ayaa ku eedaysan dil darajada saddexaad ah iyo dil baabuur oo lagu eedeeyay in uu baabuur ku dhacay oo uu dilay shan gabdhood oo saaxiibo ah isaga oo ka baxsanaya booliiska.
Bishii hore ayeey maxkamad heer federaal ah ninkan ku heshay dhowr dembi oo la xiriira dilka gabdhaha. Qareenada Degmadda Hennepin ayaa xaqiijiyay in Derrick Thompson iyo qareenada difaacaya ay diideen heshiiska qiraalka ah, iyaga oo door biday in dacwadda la billaabo Febraayo 18, 2025 oo maxkamad la aado.
Derrick Thompson ayaa lagu soo oogay shan dacwadood oo kala ah dil darajada saddexaad ah iyo 10 fal dambiyeed dil baabuur ah oo sababay dhimashada shan gabdhood oo dhallinyaro ah oo da’doodu u dhaxayso 17 ilaa 20 jir: Salma Mohamed Abdikadir, Sahra Liban Gesaade, Sagal Burhaan Hersi, Siham Adan Odhowa, and Sabiriin Mohamoud Cali.
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