Local News
Como Cook Out 2024: A Day of Community and Connection

MINNEAPOLIS – On Saturday, September 28, 2024, the Southeast Como Improvement Association hosted its annual Como Cook Out at Van Clive Park in Minneapolis, bringing together neighbors for a day of celebration and community spirit. The event was a vibrant showcase of community connections, with an array of activities designed to engage residents of all ages.

Attendees enjoyed live music that filled the park with lively melodies, creating an inviting atmosphere for everyone. The sounds of local bands resonated through the air, encouraging people to gather, dance, and enjoy the beautiful fall day. Alongside the music, the event featured delicious ice cream and snacks, providing the perfect treats to complement the festive mood.

Local organizations tabled at the event, sharing valuable resources and information with community members. This aspect of the Como Cook Out fostered connections between residents and the various organizations dedicated to enhancing the neighborhood. From voter registration to educational programs, these tables provided a wealth of information to help residents get involved and stay informed.

One of the highlights for families was the Pop-Up Parks program from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. Pop-Up Parks staff engaged kids and their parents with a variety of fun activities, from games to creative challenges, ensuring that young attendees had an unforgettable experience. Laughter and joy echoed throughout the park as families participated in the interactive offerings.

Additionally, staff from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts led art activities that encouraged children to express their creativity. This collaboration not only sparked imagination but also introduced families to the arts in an engaging and approachable way.

Overall, the Como Cook Out was a resounding success, highlighting the strength and unity of the Southeast Como community. It was a day filled with connection, and the shared joy of coming together, proving once again that events like these are vital for fostering a strong neighborhood spirit.

Photos by Abdirahman Mukhtar (Tusmo Times)
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