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Walz, Flanagan Seek to Fill Chief Inclusion Officer Position

[ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan today announced they are seeking to fill the role of Chief Inclusion Officer within their Administration. Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan are eager to build on the work of Governor Dayton’s Administration. The Chief Inclusion Officer will help provide direction to advance […]



[ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan today announced they are seeking to fill the role of Chief Inclusion Officer within their Administration. Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan are eager to build on the work of Governor Dayton’s Administration. The Chief Inclusion Officer will help provide direction to advance the work of diversifying employees and appointments, improve employee retention, expand government contracts with diverse businesses, create equitable policies, programs, and community engagement, and fulfill the Administration’s commitment to become one of the best employers in the State of Minnesota.

“Minnesota is made up of people from different places and races and we’re stronger for it,” said Governor Walz. “One Minnesota is about ensuring everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Diversity, inclusion, and equity are the core values that will lead us there and we will work closely with the Chief Inclusion Officer to ensure every aspect of the work we do is welcoming to all.”

“As a state we can fully recognize our potential only when all Minnesotans are provided the opportunity to lead healthy, fulfilled lives,” said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. “Our approach to developing inclusive, diverse, and equitable solutions for Minnesotans is one of our top priorities and the Chief Inclusion Officer will play an essential role in that vision.”

The posting closes on February 25th and interested candidates should apply at

About the Chief Inclusion Officer Role

The Governor and Lieutenant Governor are looking for talented candidates to work in the Governor’s Office and report to them, their Chief of Staff, and Minnesota Management and Budget on the progress of developing and implementing statewide equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives and programs. The position of Chief Inclusion Officer will continue to be housed in the Governor’s Office, as it was in the Dayton Administration. However, the new Administration has made significant changes to the position by elevating the role to Assistant Commissioner status. Changes to the position also include  making the position permanent with a higher range of compensation that does not sunset at the end of an Administration. The Walz, Flanagan Administration is committed to positioning the Chief Inclusion Officer role to be successful over the long term.


Photo credit: MPR News

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Magaaladda St. Paul oo bixisay deymo lagu lahaa 32,000 oo qof




SAINT PAUL – Magaaladda St. Paul ee gobolka Minnesota ayaa bixisay dhamaan deymo la xiriira caafimaadka oo lagu lahaa 32,000 oo qof oo deggen magaaladda. Duqa magaaladda St. Paul iyo shaqaalaha howshan ka shaqeeyay ayaa todobaadkan waraaqo u diraya 32,000 oo qof oo ay u sheegayaan in dhamaan wixii dayn caafimaad ee lagu lahaa laga bixiyay, lagan tirtiri doono.

Arrintan oo aad loo hadal hayo ayaa waxaa balanqaaday duqa magaaladda St. Paul Melvin Carter markii uu ku jiray ololaha doorashadda ee dib loogu doortay. Haddaba magaaladda St. Paul ayaa tirtirtay daymo qiimo ahaan ah $40 milyan oo ah daymo la xiriira caafimaadka oo lagu lahaa dadka deggen magaaladda. Duqa magaalada St. Paul Melvin Carter ayaa sheegay in qorshahan looga golleeyahay in taageero la siiyo dadka daynta lagu leeyahay ee deggen magaaladda St. Paul si culeyksa dhaqaale looga qaado, loona garab qabto oo loo kaalmeeyo.

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MINNEAPOLIS – Derrick Thompson oo ah ninkii shanta gabdhood ee Soomaalida ah shil gaadhi ku dilay ayaa diiday heshiis qirasho ah oo ay haweenayda ah Xeer-ilaaliyaha Degmadda Hennepin soo hordhigtay, balse ninkan ayaa sheegay in uu beddelkeeda maxkamadayn doonayo. Ninkan ayaa ku eedaysan dil darajada saddexaad ah iyo dil baabuur oo lagu eedeeyay in uu baabuur ku dhacay oo uu dilay shan gabdhood oo saaxiibo ah isaga oo ka baxsanaya booliiska.

Bishii hore ayeey maxkamad heer federaal ah ninkan ku heshay dhowr dembi oo la xiriira dilka gabdhaha. Qareenada Degmadda Hennepin ayaa xaqiijiyay in Derrick Thompson iyo qareenada difaacaya ay diideen heshiiska qiraalka ah, iyaga oo door biday in dacwadda la billaabo Febraayo 18, 2025 oo maxkamad la aado.

Derrick Thompson ayaa lagu soo oogay shan dacwadood oo kala ah dil darajada saddexaad ah iyo 10 fal dambiyeed dil baabuur ah oo sababay dhimashada shan gabdhood oo dhallinyaro ah oo da’doodu u dhaxayso 17 ilaa 20 jir: Salma Mohamed Abdikadir, Sahra Liban Gesaade, Sagal Burhaan Hersi, Siham Adan Odhowa, and Sabiriin Mohamoud Cali.

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Duqa magaaladda Minneapolis Jacob Frey ayaa qorsheynaya inuu mar kale isu soo taago doorashada Duqa Magaaladda




MINNEAPOLIS – Duqa magaaladda Jacob Frey ayaa sheegay inuu qorsheynayo inuu mar kale isu soo taago doorashada sannadka soo socda.

“Waxaan isku diyaarinayaa inaan noqdo musharax u tartamaya xilka duqa magaaladda, laakiin weli si rasmi ah uma shaacin,” Frey ayaa qoraal ku sheegay Isniintii.

Jacob Frey ayaa markii u horeysay loo doortay duqa magaaladda sannadkii 2017, isaga oo ka adkaaday Betsy Hodges. Jacob Frey ayaa ahaan jiray Gudoomiyaha Golaha Deegaanka ee degmadda 3-aad ee magaaladda Minneapolis 2014 ilaa 2018 inta uusan noqonin duqa magaaladda.

Xigashadda sawirka: Magaaladda Minneapolis

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