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Research Brief: ‘Social capital’ contributes to food security of Somali-American households



MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL (10/10/2023) — Despite the U.S.’s perceived wealth and abundance, food security remains a public health challenge for millions of Americans. In 2021, 13.5 million U.S. households were food insecure — meaning they did not have access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life — and rates of household food insecurity were especially high among single-parent households, Black and Hispanic households and low-income households. A new study from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH) researchers, published in Food Policy, analyzes food security among a relatively new U.S. immigrant group — Somali Americans.

SPH researchers focused their research on social capital, which is the beneficial exchange of information and other intangible non-monetary support offered within an individual’s social network or cultural community. Specifically, the research team analyzed the ways in which social capital impacts the food security of people in the Somali-American community. Social capital was measured objectively by using the size of each local Somali American community, as well as subjectively, which involved surveying community members about their day-to-day interactions with other members of the community.

Despite their significant presence in the U.S., Somali Americans are not well-represented in national research datasets such as the Current Population Survey. To overcome this, SPH researchers used a case-study method to collect and analyze data from 249 Somali-American households across seven cities in the Midwest. The study found:

  • Rates of food insecurity are higher than the average U.S. household. 22% of Somali-American households in the Midwest were food insecure, compared to 10% of all U.S. households.
  • The size of the ethnic enclave in a particular community (objective social capital) had a significantly positive association with rates of food security. Adding 1,000 Somalians to an urban center increased food security among local Somali American households by 0.5 to 0.6 points.
  • Subjective measures of social capital were less conclusive. While subjective measures studied are not positively associated with food security, some informal interactions help people engage with their local Somali American community in ways that can stave off food insufficiency.

“Social capital can include anything from borrowing cooking ingredients from neighbors, helping community members who do not speak English or just asking other members of the community for advice,” said Harshada Karnik, SPH researcher and lead author of the study. “By examining the relationship between social capital and food security in the Somali-American community, we found that people who belonged to larger Somali American communities experienced greater food security. We are able to provide some evidence suggesting that factors other than income might also affect people’s ability to ensure food security. These findings are relevant to not only refugees, but also to other low-income, immigrant communities that develop informal or unorganized systems in the absence of formal services.”

The researchers note that social capital should not be viewed as solutions to food security, but rather as temporary arrangements for which policymakers need to develop more permanent, inclusive and reliable substitutes.

About the School of Public Health

The University of Minnesota School of Public Health improves the health and wellbeing of populations and communities around the world by bringing innovative research, learning, and concrete actions to today’s biggest health challenges. We prepare some of the most influential leaders in the field, and partner with health departments, communities, and policymakers to advance health equity for all. Learn more at

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Effects of Tobacco on Mental Health





Historical development of the conversations regarding mental health have not been progressing as rapidly as one would prefer. We have gained greater knowledge about mental illness over the last 20 years, and the majority of us now believe that therapy works. But there’s a growing societal perception that those with mental illness are unpredictable and dangerous.Studies have indicated that smoking exacerbates stress and anxiety. Smokers believe smoking lowers stress and anxiety because nicotine instantly relaxes them. This sensation is fleeting and is quickly followed by cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, there is a great deal of stigma attached to drug addiction problems, and people often blame those who are ill for their habits.  Many people are hesitant to seek treatment or disclose their disease in public due to these misconceptions and biases.

Understanding the Chemical Effect

Dopamine is released in the brain in response to stimulation by nicotine. Dopamine has a role in eliciting happy emotions. People with depression frequently have low levels of it, and as a result, they may smoke cigarettes to momentarily boost their dopamine levels. Smoking, however, causes the brain to turn off the process by which it produces dopamine, which eventually results in a decrease in supply and an increase in smoking.When trying to quit smoking, people with depression may find it very difficult and have more acute withdrawal symptoms. Never forget that if you want to stop, there is a ton of help available. You don’t have to experience it alone, though.

Coping and Seeking Help

Avoid isolating yourself. It’s possible that you’re reluctant to disclose your mental health condition to others. If your loved ones, friends, clergy, or neighbors are aware of your mental health condition, they can help you. Seek the empathy, understanding, and support you require from those you can trust. There is a misplaced stigma in the East African community when it comes to mental illness. However, this should not stop one from seeking the help they need. 

Support from friends and family might make quitting smoking easier. Encourage your friends or cohabitants who smoke to quit smoking if you live with them. Even for people who have managed to abstain from smoking for more than a year, having a mental illness at the time of quitting increases the likelihood of relapsing into smoking. For the same reasons that others have mentioned (health and family), many smokers with mental illnesses wish to stop, but they may be more susceptible to relapse due to stress and other unpleasant emotions.

Article by WellShare International

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What is Vaping?




Vaping is a new tobacco product that has taken our community by storm. People can come across it everywhere, from schools to our community centers. It seems to be more and more accepted in society and is quickly becoming a fad that the youth want to partake in. It would almost seem out of the ordinary to not have encountered a vaping product due its rapidly increasing popularity amongst youth.

E-cigarettes are devices that use heat to create an aerosol that is inhaled by the user. Typically, the liquid contains flavoring, nicotine, and other chemicals. Just like traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes contain addictive nicotine. Because nicotine is present in the majority of e-cigarettes, they are classified as tobacco products and considered just as addictive as cigarettes. 

The teenage years are a critical period for brain development. Brain development starts in the womb throughout the fetus’s growth and continues throughout childhood until roughly 25. Exposure to nicotine in adolescence and early adulthood can damage the growing brain and lead to addiction.

Many of our youth are currently using these products due to the misinformed belief that it is not harmful. Some youth also believe that it is not a tobacco product and is not detrimental to their health like cigarettes or other tobacco products. Young folks are big fans of e-cigarettes because of their discreet design. Over the past five years, their use has increased significantly. E-cigarettes are becoming more popular among high school students than traditional smoking. Adults are less likely than high school students to use e-cigarettes.

What can we do

The biggest problem adults and parents are facing when it comes to their youth vaping is that they don’t know enough about the practice and the products themselves. The best way to address this problem is to bring awareness to the issue and provide them with the basic information they need to combat this vaping problem amongst our youth. Educating ourselves includes knowing what vaping products look like, feel like, and the dangers associated with them.

While the biggest problem adults are facing with vaping is a lack of awareness, it is the complete opposite for the youth. Ever since vaping gained popularity some years ago, it has increasingly become more of a stable product amongst the younger crowd. It would almost seem that it is a trend that everyone must participate in and if not, one would feel as if they are either missing out or being judged by their peers. Peer pressure often results in youth succumbing to the trend in an attempt to fit in with their peers.

If you find yourself feeling pressured or bullied into vaping in order to please your friends, that would be a good sign that you may need to find a new group of friends. True friends would want the best for you and respect your decisions and values. If these sentiments are not being provided by your current group of friends, cutting ties with them may be a healthier route.

What resources are available for people who are using:

For Minnesotans who are using tobacco products, QuitPartner is a free resource that will help guide you through each step of the quitting and recovery process. Counselors are available for both youth and adults. The service can be anonymous. Here is the contact information for QuitPartner: Website:, 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669)

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Attention, Minnesota! Measles Outbreak Alert




Minnesota –

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) confirmed measles outbreak. This highly contagious virus can be serious, especially for young children and those with weakened immune systems. Here’s what you need to know:

🔹 What is Measles? A viral infection that causes a high fever, cough, runny nose, and a characteristic rash. It can lead to complications like pneumonia and encephalitis.

🔹Symptoms to Watch For: Fever, cough, runny nose, and a red, blotchy rash that typically starts on the face and spreads.

🔹 Prevention: The best defense is vaccination. Ensure you and your family are up-to-date with the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine. It’s safe and highly effective.

🔹 If You Suspect Infection: Contact your healthcare provider immediately and avoid public places to prevent spreading the virus.

Your vigilance can help protect our community. For more information and updates, check with local health authorities and healthcare providers.

Stay safe and informed!


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